

Pharmaceutics Laboratory
Department of Pharmaceutics

The Department of Pharmaceutics at Shri Krishan Institute of Pharmacy & Research, Kurukshetra, is staffed with experienced and highly qualified faculty members who have established collaborations with national and international universities, institutions, and companies.

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List of Major Equipment:

Dissolution Rate Test Apparatus, Conical percolators, Hot Air oven, Centrifuges, Mixers, Mortar and Pestles, Tincture press, Hand grinding mill, Remi stirrers, Magnetic Stirrers, Filtration units, Andreasen Pipettes, Viscometers, Stalagmometers, Tablet Compression machine, DT apparatus, Tablet Friability tester


Preparation room, Computer Facility, Intercom facility, Refrigerator, Power supply with Electricity/Generator, Water supply, Drainage system, Gas supply, Proper cross ventilation, Fire-Extinguisher, Exhaust fan, First-aid Kit, etc.

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis

The Department of Pharma Chemistry and Analysis at Shri Krishan Institute of Pharmacy & Research is known for its excellent infrastructure, sophisticated equipment, and well-equipped laboratories. Our faculty members have a vast knowledge base and have published extensively in reputable national and international journals.

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List of Major Equipment:

Digital balances, Analytical Balances, UV – Spectrophotometer, Colorimeter, Karl-Fisher titrimeter, Flame photometer, Rotary Shaker, Sonicator, HPLC, Refractometer, Polarimeter


Balance room, Preparation room, Computer Facility, Intercom facility, Refrigerator, Power supply with Electricity/Generator, Water supply, Drainage system, Gas supply, Fire-Extinguisher, Exhaust fan, Proper cross ventilation, First-aid Kit, etc.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory
Physiology & Pharmacology Laboratory
Department of Physiology & Pharmacology

The Department of Pharmacology at Shri Krishan Institute of Pharmacy & Research provides excellent infrastructure and well-equipped laboratories to facilitate research and learning. Our faculty members are highly experienced, and our department has a rich collection of relevant books and journals.

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List of Major Equipment:

Hemocytometers, Hemoglobinometers, Microscopes, Analgesiometer, Stethoscope, BP Apparatus, Pole climbing apparatus, Histamine chamber, Digital Tele Thermometer, Organ Baths, Kymograph, Sherrington Rotating Drums, Human skeleton, Bones, Charts, etc.


Preparation room, Smoke room, Animal House, Computer Facility, Intercom facility, Refrigerator, Power supply with Electricity/Generator, Water supply, Drainage system, Gas supply, Proper cross ventilation, Fire-Extinguisher, Exhaust fan, First aid Kit, etc.

Pharmacognosy Laboratory image
Department of Pharmacognosy

The Department of Pharmacognosy at Shri Krishan Institute of Pharmacy & Research boasts state-of-the-art laboratories with sophisticated equipment for isolating, characterizing, and estimating phyto-constituents, including HPLC. Our department is dedicated to research, and students have successfully utilized the facilities for their projects.

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List of Major Equipment:

Simple Microscopes, Compound microscopes, Eyepiece micrometer, Stage micrometers, Camera Lucida-Mirror and Prism type, Hot air oven, Muffle furnace, Vacuum film evaporator, UV Cabinet, Chromatography apparatus, Soxhlet apparatus, TLC Kit, Double-distillation glass apparatus, Clevenger apparatus, Steam distillation unit, Crude Drugs, Charts, etc.


Preparation room, Computer Facility, Intercom facility, Power supply with Electricity/Generator, Water supply, Crude drug museum, Drainage system, Gas supply, Proper cross ventilation, Fire-Extinguisher, Exhaust fan, First-aid Kit.SELECT COUNT(CustomerID), Country FROM Customers GROUP BY Country HAVING COUNT(CustomerID)

Computer Lab

Shri Krishan Institute of Pharmacy & Research, Kurukshetra, takes pride in offering a dedicated and well-equipped Computer Lab for its students. The lab serves as an essential resource centre where students can access the internet and utilize various software applications for academic and research purposes.

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Under the guidance of qualified instructors, students undergo a familiarization course on accessing the Internet and leveraging digital tools effectively. The Computer Lab provides 24×7 access to high-speed internet, enabling students to stay connected with the global knowledge base, conduct research, access e-mails, and engage in web-based applications. This advanced facility plays a vital role in enhancing the learning experience and research capabilities of our students, ensuring they are well-prepared to excel in their studies and contribute to the pharmaceutical field.

Computer Lab
Pharmacy Machine Room
Machine Room